Venmo: robinforschoolboard-24
Experienced Leadership for Our Kids and Our Community

I moved to Glendora with my husband, Kendall, 37 years ago. Glendora has become a part of who we are and is my true home. We raised our five children here and watched them flourish through Glendora schools, with all of them graduating from Glendora High School. Now, one of my grandsons is also attending a Glendora school.
Ensuring that children receive a good education has been a passion of mine since I began my own higher education studies. I graduated with a BS in Vocational Home Economics from East Texas State University (now Texas A&M Commerce) and taught school full-time for two years. While my children were small, I decided to go back to school and fulfill a long-term goal of receiving a Master’s Degree. I focused my studies on education because I believe that there is nothing more important than properly educating children. Iearned an MA in Education from Cal Poly Pomona.
Staying home with my children was important to me and I wanted to become involved in their school. I had children in school for over 20 years and during that time I helped in numerous classrooms, forming relationships with their teachers that allowed me to understand their needs and those of the classroom. When my oldest daughter was diagnosed with learning disabilities, I became familiar with the Special Education options in Glendora schools.
Prior to being elected to the school board in 2015, I spent ten years as a substitute teaching at a variety of schools in the district. From these experiences I have seen the classroom from the perspective of both the teacher and the parent, which has been valuable while serving on the school board.
An important aspect of my involvement in my children’s education is my membership and leadership in PTA and other community organizations. I became involved with PTA when my oldest daughter began attending school, and have served as PTA president at Williams Elementary, Glendora High School, Whitcomb High School and as Council PTA president. I have also served in various positions on these boards and Goddard Middle School. I also served as president of Glendora Community Coordinating Council and on the Library Board of Trustees. I have served on School Site Councils, the calendar, budget, and attendance committees.
I love Glendora. I love Glendora Schools and have brought my passion and commitment to the school board for the past nine years.